Kia Kaha Aka, Kia Nui Ake, Te Tokomaha Ake
| More People, More Active, More Often


Sport Development 

We aim to empower and support a network of capable and sustainable providers of sport to achieve participant focused outcomes - these include clubs, regional sports organisations and other relevant sport providers.

Sport Support Partnerships

We develop support partnerships that are unique in that achieving outcomes that are related to the needs and considerations of the organisation and sport. We place an emphasis on partnership and collaboration to achieve more sustainable outcomes.

Sports Forum Breakfast

We coordinate and facilitate the quarterly Sports Forum. This is a development opportunity open to all sport providers to share best practice, address emerging issues and identify opportunities for growth - focusing on collaboration and networking.


We facilitate advice, training, and guidance in specific areas such as:

  • Workforce Planning and Recruitment
  • Safe Sport for young people
  • Building positive Culture
  • Research methods and customer surveys
  • Strengthening School links


Tim Motu, Sport Development Manager

Kate Benny, Sport Development Advisor