Kia Kaha Aka, Kia Nui Ake, Te Tokomaha Ake
| More People, More Active, More Often


The below resources will help you complete a quality application for Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa

To develop a project that meets want and needs of local tamariki and rangatahi, and to increase your chance of completing a successful application, we recommend you read the relevant required resources at a minimum.


A comprehensive guide that explains the fund and what is and isn't eligible.

Ngā Aratohu Hapori​​​​​​​ 

A comprehensive guide that explains the fund and what is and isn't eligible.

Implementation in school/kura setting

A required document for schools applying for activity funding delivered in class (curriculum) time with an outside provider

Te Whetū Rehua framework

Organisations have an opportunity to apply for funding via a kaupapa Māori pathway. Activities are assessed against the five key Māori development criteria of Te Whetū Rehua.

Budget template

To be completed and submitted by all applicants.

Voice of the participant tips

Helpful tips to get the voice of participants. 

Other helpful resources

Sport New Zealand Play information - click here

Sport New Zealand Active Recreation information - click here

Sport New Zealand Sport information - click here

Frequently asked questions on Tū Manawa - click here.

Pātai Auau Tū Manawa - click here

For support to make an application, please contact:

Kelly Sim, Community Partnership Advisor