Kia Kaha Aka, Kia Nui Ake, Te Tokomaha Ake
| More People, More Active, More Often

Sport Hawke's Bay is proud to partner with Sport New Zealand to distribute over $680,000 to our Hawke's Bay region through the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund.

What is the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund? 

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is a partnership between Sport NZ and Regional Sports Trusts. It is a fund that helps tamariki and rangatahi, particularly those that are less active, to access a play, active recreation or sport opportunity of their choice in their community or school/kura.

Sport Hawke's Bay offers two funds for the community, a bi-monthly Fast Fund (up to $10,000) and the Full Fund which has two closing dates (up to $30,000).

Please check the dates on the specifc tabs for more information.

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from the following organisation types (please note, funded entities must have legal status): 

  • Hapū, Iwi, Marae, Māori organisations
  • Incorporated Societies
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Regional or Local Council
  • For-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises
  • Education settings
    • Primary/Intermediate schools/Kura
    • Secondary schools/Wharekura
    • Tertiary Education/Whare Wānanga

Where an organisation or group wishes to apply but has no legal status, we recommend that you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity. 

Where a project or programme is to be delivered during class time in a school/kura only the school/kura can apply for funding, and the school form below must be completed.

For activity in a school setting, either before/after school or during lunchtime and breaks, applications can be submitted by any organisation

Who cannot apply?

  • National organisations who already receive Partnership Investment from Sport NZ
  • Government agencies and their regional branches (e.g. Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki)
  • Early Learning Services
  • Professional or semi-professional sports teams and organisations
  • Individuals