Kia Kaha Aka, Kia Nui Ake, Te Tokomaha Ake
| More People, More Active, More Often


2023 - 2024 Funding

2021 - 2022 Year in Review

“Sport Hawke’s Bay has seen some great applications in Year 2 of
the Tū Manawa fund as we continue to build awareness. We are
proud to be in a position where we can support new initiatives being
established in Hawke’s Bay that support our young people to get
active. In Year 2 we have supported over 100 organisations that are
providing quality experiences for our tamariki and rangatahi."

"It is great to see applicants listening to participants and providing
opportunities for them to be active in a way that they want to be. For
Year 3 of the fund, we encourage organisations to work alongside our
young people and involve them more in the planning of the project.
I strongly recommend anyone interested in applying to contact us.
Even if you have had funding from us before, we are here to support
you and provide more funding to our community. We look forward
to Year 3 of the fund starting in July.”

Kate Benny - Community Partnership Advisor